Sunday, March 26, 2006

Eyes Wide Shite... Shut


Insomnia is a bad thing if it keeps you up after watching SBS's short film show, SOS. Especially if Rage is bad after that, too. And you find Eyes Wide Shut on Channel 9.

Oh wait, Sex Pistols Anarchy in the UK is on now...

Still, honestly can't see why that movie got people's interest. Lord... it's almost driving me to clean the 'fridge and regrout the tiles. Although I do say kudos to Channel 9 for having something a bit different and non-geriatric on. Even if what I've seen of it makes me think that spending the evening injecting crack into my eyeballs would be more fun.

Although I do have to admit that I find Tom Cruise to be deeply creepy and when he's on screen I want to scream and throw my teacup at it. I mean, Jarvis Cocker from Pulp (Common People clip on at the moment) is more appealing. Although his thing when he ran around wafting farts at Michael Jackson with some British awards show thing was so funny!

Even more amusing, though, is seeing Dean Cain on something on Channel 10. And no, it wasn't that Superman kind of show with Terri Hatcher in it. Just something bizarre with him in a uniform.

Time to clean the 'fridge.