Monday, November 07, 2005

A lesbian Mormon comedian... stop me if you've heard this one...

Compass was interesting last night.

I had meant to write about it last night, but got rather distracted by actually watching the program.

Sue-Ann Post, lesbian comedian and ex-Mormon, went to Salt Lake City to a Gay and Lesbian Mormon convention and it was interesting to see how "Christian" attitudes towards differently-oriented people are really things that go through all Christian religions.

The way the Mormon church deals with it seems similar to the majority of the more conservative denominations. And sure, Mormons aren't really classed as Christians, but they believe in God.

Watching how hurt Sue-Ann still felt about the way that she had been treated by her family and the Mormon church (she was excommunicated) was very moving and made me think about the way that we other Christian denominations perhaps treat gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.

More tolerance really is needed, and for it to be realised that we're all screwed up, regardless of how straight or gay or anywhere in between those two things we might be.

Jesus loves everyone - that's what we shold be remembering when we deal with others. Acting like true Christians, which is the way that a number of the Mormon people Sue-Ann interacted with behaved, would do so much better for the world.



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