Monday, October 10, 2005

TeleVixen asks...

If anyone reads this blog... are there any?... I have to ask you these following questions. And you know you want to answer them! *teehee*

1) What's your favourite show on TV and why?
2) What's your most hated show on TV and why?
3) What ad do you love the most on TV?
4) What ad do you hate the most on TV?
5) What do you think would be good for Australian television in terms of local content - what could be done to improve it?

Right now, my favourite show is Drawn Together, I hate a lot of shows but Australian Idol has to be the worst of them all, the best ads are the Continental 'expectations' ads along with the Farmer's Union Iced Coffee ads (which have to be the most hilariously clever ads ever), there's just too many ads that suck and I don't think that anything can be done about improving Australian content on TV until major TV stations do more to produce shows that *aren't* trying to be American.


At 1:29 am, Blogger kris said...

1) What's your favourite show on TV and why?

My favourite tv show is sadly, not even australian...i like HOUSE. i love the sarcasm!

2) What's your most hated show on TV and why?

Any reality tv shows, ESPECIALLY surviver type shows. hate hate HATE!

3) What ad do you love the most on TV?

The Big Ad. The one where they chant, "this is a big ad, very big ad. MY god its BIG!" it!

4) What ad do you hate the most on TV?

Most "mum" ads. The ones that tell the benefits of a particular product and motherly type woman narrates. What, men never use this stuff??

5) What do you think would be good for Australian television in terms of local content - what could be done to improve it?

Firstly, end all australian soapies. Hire real script writers and END all those really annoying reality shows. I say the guys who wrote "Dirty Deeds" and "Bad Eggs" should be used to write scripts. If they won't replace Reality shows they should at least make shows like "myth busters" that are INTERESTING!!!

At 8:05 am, Blogger Della said...

Well said!

*standing ovation*

It would be nice to see "reality" shows dead and buried forever... But it seems like channels get far too much mileage from them, dangnammit.

Be nice if Home & Away got the axe ;) But then a lot of hormonal teenagers wouldn't know what to do with their 7pm slot other than watch the news *teehee*

At 2:10 am, Blogger kris said...

gasp! WATCH THE NEWS???!!!! dear me NO! they might start caring about what is happening in the world and sudden might want to make a difference in the world!

At 7:37 am, Blogger Della said...

Shock! Horror! That would be dreadful!!!


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